Why Physical Security Should be Visible to Criminals

How Physical Security Prevents Break-Ins There’s often a lot of focus on “hiding” security tools, especially among businesses. Many business owners believe that customers don’t want to see security tools and they’re worried that visible security will make their businesses appear unsafe or “ugly.” While this may be true during business hours, it’s certainly not…

How Do You Protect Your Business During Protests and Demonstrations?

Securing your Property during Protests and Demonstrations It seems like it’s impossible to turn on the TV these days without seeing a protest or demonstration taking place. While the vast majority of these gatherings are peaceful, some are not. In addition, it often doesn’t take much for a peaceful protest to turn dangerous. Large groups…

Why Thieves Should Think Twice About Striking a Property that has Security Gates

How Security Gates Deter Criminals Security gates don’t just make it more difficult for a thief to break into a property, but they also actively deter criminals from considering your property a target. This means that your store, office, warehouse or other location will be safer and your assets will be more secure. But why…