Layered Physical Security Approach, After-Hours Crime Prevention

Protecting a Business After-Hours Means Using a Layered Approach After-hours, criminals want to break into businesses to steal cash, merchandise, and anything else they can get their hands on. Businesses, of course, want to prevent this from happening. While there is a wide variety of different security and loss prevention tools out there that promise…

The Cost of Attempted Break-Ins Often Greater Than the Merchandise Stolen

The True Cost of Smash & Grab Robberies Many business owners believe that installing security tools is required only to prevent merchandise from being stolen. While this is obviously one important part, it’s not the only reason to secure your business. Another crucial reason is because the property damage that occurs during a break-in is…

Why Pawn Shops Need Good Security

Pawn Shop Security Tips Pawn shops are common in most cities and towns. These shops often contain a wide variety of different items, from jewelry and electronics to sporting equipment, clothing and just about anything else. This wide variety of merchandise makes pawn shops frequent targets for criminals. But it isn’t just the variety of…