Five Tips to Stop Shoplifters

How to Prevent Shoplifting Shoplifting costs retail businesses money and, unfortunately, it’s a pretty common crime. According to statistics from the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, there are approximately 27 million shoplifters in the United States. This is about 1 in 11 people. More than 10 million people in the US have been caught shoplifting…

How Security Saves Money

The Cost of Not Having Proper Security On occasion, we hear from business owners who state that they do not want to spend more money on security because it’s not worth it to them. Some believe that the cost of proper security is too great and they prefer to remain unprotected as it “costs less.”…

How Do You Protect Your Business During Protests and Demonstrations?

Securing your Property during Protests and Demonstrations It seems like it’s impossible to turn on the TV these days without seeing a protest or demonstration taking place. While the vast majority of these gatherings are peaceful, some are not. In addition, it often doesn’t take much for a peaceful protest to turn dangerous. Large groups…