Security Bars or Security Gates?

The primary function for these security products is to protect against unwanted intrusion. Loss prevention specialist working to protect their retail stores are familiar with “Smash and Grab” style break-ins, it is a never ending battle as opportunistic criminals look for that quick score. Highly targeted retailers such as Gun shops, Drug stores, Sporting Goods…

Easily protecting warehousing and manufacturing facilities with Security Gates

Protecting warehousing and manufacturing facilities against unwanted  intruders and break ins is an important consideration today. There is a need to layer the security using alarm systems and video surveillance system,  to monitor activity and alert responders when business is closed. Access control and visual deterrents are equally important. Preventing access to restricted or sensitive…

Why Break in Through a Door?

It is remarkable to see so many smash and grab break ins through doors. This leads me to believe that it’s the opportunistic criminal thinking it’s the way into a store? Besides, how many people would walk through a window? Doors pretty much the weakest point of any building, Retail stores most commonly have glass…